Factsheet LAB 27 October 2021

This webpage informs you in more detail about the theme of our upcoming LAB meeting, the speakers, their projects and destinations. This webpage also offers important practical and technical information about how to access and participate in the meeting. We look forward to seeing you in the LAB!



Time: 14:00 – 15:30, CEST  timezoneconverter >
Please note the different start time!
Duration: max. 1,5 hours
Format: live cast via Zoom
Theme: Slow Art


Maggie Freeman
“Slow Art Day – History, Philosophy and Applications”

Armand Storck & colleagues
“Slow Art Day in Antwerp’s Saint Paul’s Church”

Karin Elgin-Nijhuis

Marc Kocken

How to participate in the LAB 


The digital meeting in the Heritage & Slow TourismLAB allows you to tune in and participate where ever you are. You are kindly asked to take notice of the following information. 

    • After registering in Zoom you received a confirmation email and a personal link that you will need to access the meeting. Keep this link and the password safe.
    • Zoom is the free software the LAB uses to facilitate the meeting. Before the meeting, download Zoom on your computer (if you have not already done so). Test it by opening it up and familiarise yourself with especially the camera and microphone settings. Peruse the Zoom Support Centre for detailed instructions:
      https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us >
      https://zoom.us/download >
    • Plan to join the meeting 5 minutes before the start time. To do so, click on the link you were given after registering or copy/paste it into your internet browser (Chrome, Firefox or Safari). You will access a waiting room before being admitted to the meeting.
    • You will be muted when you are admitted to the meeting en we ask all attendees to keep their microphones set on “mute” so as not to accidentally disrupt the meeting.
    • We encourage all attendees to be on video since the LAB is about connecting people.
    • Post your questions in the chatbox Zoom offers. The moderator will select questions posted there for the Q&A session. The moderator may ask you to unmute yourself (and switch on your camera if you have not already done so) so that you can join the discussion.
    • If, after reading the information provided on this webpage as well as possible websites and reading materials referred to, you have questions you wish to submit in advance of the meeting, feel free to email them to info@heritagetourismhospitality.org >.
    • Please note that the moderators/speakers may not be able to respond to all submitted questions during the event due to the time limit.
    • The LAB meeting will be recorded. The purpose of this is not to give those who registered access to the recording. You are kindly invited to attend online real-time. The organisers reserve the right to use video footage and images for future educational and PR purposes.
    • You can cancel your registration at any time. To do so, follow the instructions provided in the confirmation email.
    • Enquiries can be sent to info@heritagetourismhospitality.org >

HTHIC Heritage & Slow TourismLAB Image of Maggie Freeman

Maggie Freeman
is an art historian and museum educator. Maggie has been the Global Coordinator for Slow Art Day since 2012. She has worked in education and public programs at the Oakland Museum of California, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, the Asian Art Museum, and the Nantucket Historical Association, among others. She is currently a PhD student in History of Islamic Art and Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

[Posted 7 October 2021]

HTHIC Heritage & Slow TourismLAB Image of Armand Storck

Armand Storck
held various management positions at international logistics companies. Especially during the last 20 years of his career, he worked in China and Southeast Asia, where local colleagues and friends showed and explained their countries’ rich culture and history to him.

That interest came in handy when he started working as a volunteer with Saint Paul’s friends in 2015. Together with his colleagues, he welcomes the numerous visitors to the historical church, gives guided tours, is co-editor of the Facebook page, the monthly magazine “Paullus”, and the new website.

Armand likes to delve into the church’s archives to come up with forgotten documents. These shed light on the site’s rich history and the artists who worked there. Together with Caroline De Wever and Mia Dillen, he discovered a 19th century Stations of the Cross by De Boeck & Van Wint in England, similar to Saint Paul’s Church’s.

The discovery culminated in an ecumenical project and exhibition with the Holy Angels church in Hoar Cross in the UK. For this project, Saint Paul’s became a laureate of the Heritage Prize 2020 of the province of Antwerp.

[Posted 15 October 2021]

HTHIC Heritage & Slow TourismLAB Image of Marc Kocken


Marc Kocken is a Dutch heritage professional with 25 years of experience in all aspects of (archaeological) heritage management, policymaking, interpretation, heritage marketing, tourism and leisure. Motto: Making cultural heritage valuable, visible and usable.

In 2007 he founded MARC heritage consultants, a private heritage
consultation and interpretation firm. In 2016 and 2017, Marc worked as Project Manager Heritage Marketing for the Province of Drenthe. Since 2017 he has been head of sector Heritage & Community Engagement at Zeeland Heritage.

Zeeland Heritage aims to integrally promote the protection, exploitation and experience of the (in)tangible heritage of the Province of Zeeland.

Marc serves as treasurer for ICOMOS Netherlands, an expert member for the ICOMOS International Committee on Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites (ICIP) and International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM). 

[Posted 15 October 2021]